Commit 54c57f62 authored by Vladislav Bogdashkin's avatar Vladislav Bogdashkin 🎣

added deals model

parent 30b0cdde
package com.biganto.visual.roompark.domain.model
import java.util.*
* Created by Vladislav Bogdashkin on 23.09.2019.
data class AlbumPreviewModel(
val albumId:Int,
val parentId:Int,
val published: Date,
val title:String,
val previewUrl:String,
val isRead:Boolean
data class PhotoListModel(val items:List<PhotoModel>)
data class PhotoModel(
val photoId:Int,
val albumId:Int,
val description:String,
val sort:Int,
val resolutionList:List<PhotoResolutionModel>
data class PhotoResolutionModel(
val resName:String,
val url:String,
val resWidth:Int,
val resHeight:Int
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package com.biganto.visual.roompark.domain.model
* Created by Vladislav Bogdashkin on 23.09.2019.
data class DealListModel(val deals:List<DealListModel>)
data class DealModel(
val id:Int,
val estate_id:Int,
val opportunitySum:Float,
val paymentSum:Float,
val amount_pay_sum:Float,
val statusId:Int,
val managerName: String,
val estate:EstateModel
data class EstateModel(
val type:String,
val number:String,
val building:Int,
val sectionBegin:Int?=null,
val sectionEnd:Int?=null,
val floor:Int,
val area:Float,
val planPNG:PlanModel,
val planJPG:PlanModel,
val dependent:Boolean?=null,
val rooms:Int?=null,
val albumId:Int?=null,
val multitourId:Int?=null
data class PlanModel(
val url:String,
val width:Int,
val height:Int
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......@@ -20,4 +20,14 @@ data class ArticlePreviewModel(
val isRead:Boolean
data class ArticlesPreviewModel(val parentFeedId:Int,val articles:List<ArticlePreviewModel>)
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data class ArticlesPreviewModel(val parentFeedId:Int,val articles:List<ArticlePreviewModel>)
data class ArticleModel(
val articleId:Int,
val published: Date,
val title:String,
val htmlBody:String,
val previewUrl:String,
val isRead:Boolean
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package com.biganto.visual.roompark.domain.model
* Created by Vladislav Bogdashkin on 23.09.2019.
data class WebCamModel(
val title:String,
val index:Int,
val streamUrl:String
data class WebCamListModel(val items:List<WebCamListModel>)
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