Commit 358ac8aa authored by Vladislav Bogdashkin's avatar Vladislav Bogdashkin 🎣

deal entity

parent 54ce9ee8
import io.requery.Entity
import io.requery.ForeignKey
import io.requery.Key
import io.requery.Persistable
* Created by Vladislav Bogdashkin on 05.11.2019.
interface Deal : Persistable {
val id:String
val estateCrmId:String
val opportunitySum:Int
val paymentSum:Int
val amountPaySum:Int
val statusId:Int
val managerName: String
@get:ForeignKey(references = Estate::class )
var estate:Estate
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import io.requery.Entity
import io.requery.Key
import io.requery.Persistable
import io.requery.*
* Created by Vladislav Bogdashkin on 29.10.2019.
......@@ -14,4 +12,48 @@ interface Estate : Persistable {
val id: Int
val type: String
val number: String
val sectionBegin: Int?
val sectionEnd: Int?
val planJpgUrl: String?
val planJpgWidth: Int?
val planJpgHeight: Int?
val planPngUrl: String?
val planPngWidth: Int?
val planPngHeight: Int?
val rooms: Int?
val albumId: Int?
val multitourId: Int?
val info_building: Int
val info_section_begin: Int
val info_floor: Int
val explications: Set<Explication>?
val info_floor_max: Int
val url: String?
val info_area: Float?
val info_area_living: Float?
val info_kind: String?
val info_dependent: Boolean?
val info_decoration: String?
\ No newline at end of file
import io.requery.*
* Created by Vladislav Bogdashkin on 24.09.2019.
interface Explication : Persistable {
val id: Int
@get:ForeignKey(references = PlanPreset::class)
val planId: Int
val living: Boolean
val area: Float
val title: String
package com.biganto.visual.roompark.domain.model
* Created by Vladislav Bogdashkin on 24.09.2019.
data class PlanTypeModel(
val id:Int,
val planTypeId:Int,
val estateId:Int,
val features:List<FeatureStatus>,
val uri:String
data class FeatureStatus(
val featureName:String,
val switchedOn: Boolean
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