Commit 1ea772d6 authored by Kirill's avatar Kirill

ContentLoadingTask возвращает IProgress при запуске

parent 419ec5b0
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ namespace TourDataManager {
public void Run(){
public void Run(IProgress<string> progress = null){
Debug.Log($"ContentLoadingTask.Run(){{ tourId = {tourId} }}");
var files = filesFetcher.FetchFilesAsync(tourId).Result;
......@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ namespace TourDataManager {
var len = files.Length;
var count = 0;
foreach (var file in files){
Debug.Log($"{++count} of {len} | {file.LocalUrl}");
//Debug.Log($"{++count} of {len} | {file.LocalUrl}");
progress?.Report($"{++count} of {len} | {file.LocalUrl}");
var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(file.LocalUrl);
if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(dir);
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